Monday, July 30, 2012

Donation For The Victims Of Rakhine State

At their regular meeting on 29th July, 2012, BRSA donated 50,000 Yen to Association Of Protection For Children's Refugee Border In Burma (APCRB) for the victims of Rakhine State in Burma.

Monday, July 23, 2012

General Assembly Meeting At Nagoya Branch Office

On 22nd July, the 3rd BRSA General Meeting was held in Nagoya with the resident members and the visiting members from Tokyo. At the meeting, members discussed about the continuous development of Nagoya Office and appointed new officers for them.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monthly Executive Committee Meeting For July

The monthly central executive committee meeting was held on 8th July, 2012 at Toshimaku, Toubu Kumin Jimusho. The committee members discussed about the summer trip of BRSA by bus and the detained members at Ushiku Immigration office.